Getting Comfortable Embracing the Discomfort of the Unknown

Staying in the discomfort can be easy. Over-time the discomfort becomes a tug in different direction, a whisper in your ear. If we ignore the whisper, it becomes louder. Until it’s unbearable and what was only a tug, turns into slowly tearing you apart. Numbing and distracting to try to keep it silent.

I’ve felt it. That knowing, when something isn’t quite right, without the reasoning. That energy is meant to be a gift, but we ignore it. Often believing our projected reality is what we want, believe we need, or believe we have no other choice.

In the beginning, staying is comfortable even when it’s not. When you know change needs to happen, but you’re resisting.

Don’t forget, stepping into the unknown is where the magic happens, where the transformations, happen. 

We’re not meant to stay the same, in the same situation in the same place forever. Growth is inevitable, personal evolution is absolutely necessary. 

If you needed someone to say it, here’s your reminder, your permission that is already there whether it’s said aloud or not. You can do it. You have the strength. You know your truth, even if it hurts. You’re allowed to change into who you’re becoming, don’t resist it, dive in. 

Looking back at pictures, I can see the emptiness in my eyes, the smile that’s hiding what’s breaking beneath the surface. Since quitting my 8+ year long career to create my own business, now one year later, I’m thankful I leapt into the unknown and dropped into what’s becoming an exciting and beautiful adventure.

One year ago, I couldn’t ignore any longer what had gotten so loud, it was tearing me apart. Initially I rationalized, but eventually it was painful. A pit at my core like a crumpled up ball of tinfoil, clenching tightly, sharp edges with every breath I took. I didn’t have all of the answers, all of the how’s or all of the why’s, but I knew I needed to leave- trust in something intangible that was screaming at me from the inside.

And once I did, I felt like I could breathe again. That first breath, after you follow your intuition, your gut, your deeper knowing….. that breath, feels like endless possibilities and freedom.

Not to say it was easy coasting, I was definitely riding a rollercoaster of emotions and wondering where and how exactly I was going to end up - upending your life can do that. I had to learn to let go of control and ride it out.

You know what you need even though you don’t have words for it yet. And for clarification, I don’t mean what you’re lusting after, craving, envying, trying to escape from, or what your ego is desiring. I mean that deeper knowing, that feeling you get when something isn’t quite right, and you know you’re meant for something different….. there’s a significant distinction… because no matter how much you numb or distract or try to escape… eventually that knowing comes back, always returning stronger than ever.

Sometimes we get it wrong. That’s ok. It takes practice to learn how to really listen. Sometimes we make mistakes, and it wasn’t the right course… but that’s exactly how we get where we’re meant to be going.

Life is meant to be lived and experienced, and sometimes we need to make those mistakes because that’s where our wisdom comes from.

There is no perfect timing. Don’t lose yourself in who you think you’re supposed to be. 

You’ve got this. 


Living Authentically


Cultivating Kindness